Recientes casualidades de la vida han hecho que vuelva a escuchar y redescubrir al gran Bruce Springsteen. Por culpa de este tiparraco de new jersey, el que aquí escribe sintió por primera vez la quemazón de coger la guitarra electrica, así como me indicó el camino del rock, el hardrock, el blues y todas esas músicas que me tienen abducido. Además de ser un gran compositor y un cantante con un vozarrón de la hostia, este señor también se las ha ido apañando para conseguir componer letras capaces de tocarte la fibra casi bajo cualquier circunstancia.Pequeñas bandas sonoras para los episodios de nuestra existencia : la vida, el trabajo, los coches, la música, asesinos en serie.... y también, para variar, mujeres. Optimismo, pena, soledad, necesidad de huir.... Recomiendo el periodo de discos desde Born to Run de 1975 hasta el Tunnel of Love de 1987. Este último odiado por la mayoría de sus fans, para mi es el mejor. El más intimo e introspectivo. Aquí os dejo esta pedazo letra del tema Cautious Man, espero que os guste tanto como a mí. Un saludo
Bill Horton was a cautious man of the road
He walked lookin' over his shoulder and remained faithful to its code
When something caught his eye he'd measure his need
And then very carefully he'd proceed
Billy met a young girl in the early days of May
It was there in her arms he let his cautiousness slip away
In their lovers twilight as the evening sky grew dim
He'd lay back in her arms and laugh at what had happened to him
On his right hand Billy tattooed the word love and on his left hand was the word fear
And in which hand he held his fate was never clear
Come Indian summer he took his young lover for his bride
And with his own hands built a great house down by the riverside
Now Billy was an honest man he wanted to do what was right
He worked hard to fill their lives with happy days and loving nights
Alone on his knees in the darkness for steadiness he'd pray
For he knew in a restless heart the seed of betrayal lay
One night Billy awoke from a terrible dream callin' his wife's name
She lay breathing beside him in a peaceful sleep, a thousand miles away
He got dressed in the moonlight and down to the highway he strode
When he got there he didn't find nothing but road
Billy felt a coldness rise up inside him that he couldn't name
Just as the words tattooed 'cross his knuckles he knew would always remain
At their bedside he brushed the hair from his wife's face as the moon shone on her skin so white
Filling their room with the beauty of God's fallen light